The past weeks and months have been hard for a lot of us due to the COVID-19 thing going. Life has gotten weird. We can still make strong choices and attempt to chase our goals. We can usually find a way to try now and then. Right now seems like a time to try now and then. We might fail and we might succeed, but we can always put in some repetitions and get some shots up.
Strength in all things is important. We must constantly be building these strengths. Without doing so, we likely resign ourselves to mediocrity.
Here are some strong things I have been reading lately. I recommend you read them as well and perhaps implement an idea or two from them.
Strength and Conditioning
Christ Duffin talks about powerlifting feats of strength and a lot about foot mechanics. This podcast has a lot fuel for thought.
Article on some ideas how to train the often neglected serratus.
Jim Wendler discussing squat volume dogma.
JM Blakley Bench press tips.
Good article on injury prevention and how to think about sustainable training
Ideas for supersets.
An equipment free way to train hamstrings anywhere.
Different ways you can use sled dragging to train many different body parts.
Science says you can keep a lot of your muscular and strength gains during quarantine.