The Useful Strong Stuff Journal Vol. 7

Strength in all things is important.  We must constantly be building these strengths.  We can do this through reading, experience, and experimentation. 

My latest experiments have revolved around gratitude practices.  These experiments have really put me into a much more peaceful place.  I was skeptical at first about gratitude practices, but went in with an open mind.  I am glad I gave these things a try.  You can learn more about my experiences here  .

Here are some strong things I have been reading lately.  I recommend you read them as well and perhaps implement an idea or two from them.

Strength and Conditioning

Zercher good morning variation, something to consider implementing


Some of the benefits of intermittent fasting

Dr Rhonda Patrick on The Joe Rogan Experience discussing nutrition during COVID-19, scroll down in her post for research studies and her show notes by time stamp.

Mental Health/Fitness

Thoughts on avoiding fragility

The Useful Strong Stuff Journal Vol. 6

The past weeks and months have been hard for a lot of us due to the COVID-19 thing going.  Life has gotten weird.  We can still make strong choices and attempt to chase our goals.  We can usually find a way to try now and then.  Right now seems like a time to try now and then.  We might fail and we might succeed, but we can always put in some repetitions and get some shots up. 

Strength in all things is important.  We must constantly be building these strengths.  Without doing so, we likely resign ourselves to mediocrity.

Here are some strong things I have been reading lately.  I recommend you read them as well and perhaps implement an idea or two from them.

Strength and Conditioning

Christ Duffin talks about powerlifting feats of strength and a lot about foot mechanics.  This podcast has a lot fuel for thought.

Article on some ideas how to train the often neglected serratus.

Jim Wendler discussing squat volume dogma.

JM Blakley Bench press tips.

Good article on injury prevention and how to think about sustainable training

Ideas for supersets.

An equipment free way to train hamstrings anywhere.

Different ways you can use sled dragging to train many different body parts.

Science says you can keep a lot of your muscular and strength gains during quarantine.

The Useful Strong Stuff Journal Vol. 5

Coronavirus Edition 1.

So I have been looking at a lot of stuff lately about how to workout at home and stay fit and healthy during this Coronavirus quarantine and pandemic.  I don’t have big answers.  What I do have are some links to things that might help you maintain your health and fitness during these times.  Implement an idea or two if they fit your life, and stay safe everyone.

Home Fitness

Great ideas on fitness during the quarantines and isolation from Nerd Fitness

Exercises you can do at home.

Josh Bryant has a lot of videos of workouts you can do from home with no equipment.  Links to playlists at the bottom of the article.

A good outline of doing bodyweight training.

A full lower body bodyweight workout from Josh Bryant.

A full upper body bodyweight workout from Josh Bryant.

Some good ideas on things you can get, many at a local store. 

Workout from home guide from Self

Movements you can do with a band if you have one.  If you don’t have bands they are rather affordable and available through sites such as  These are rather hardcore bands, not the super easy ones you might be familiar with for an aerobics class.

John Meadows with an at home band pressing workout.

John Meadows sharing an at home total body workout.

John Meadows with a banded pulling workout at home.

Mental Health America has resources for you about mental health things.  Life could be trying for a while, we don’t know.  This is a resource for help if you think you might need it.

The Useful Strong Stuff Journal Vol. 4

Strength in all things is important.  We must constantly be building these strengths.  Without doing so, we likely resign ourselves to mediocrity.

Here are some strong things I have been reading lately.  I recommend you read them as well and perhaps implement an idea or two from them.

Strength and Conditioning

JM Blakley on writing programs and other mindset tips.  This is a great read.

Considerations for using the safety squat bar.

John Meadows with tips on chest supported rows and how to use them to train different parts of your back.

Exercises for Injury Prevention.


Thermic effect of food.

Strong Life

It does no good to have strength if you don’t display it now and then.  Having a portfolio may be a part of that.

The Useful Strong Stuff Journal Vol. 3

Strength in all things is important.  We must constantly be building these strengths.  Without doing so, we likely resign ourselves to mediocrity.

Here are some strong things I have been reading lately.  I recommend you read them as well and perhaps implement an idea or two from them.

Strength and Conditioning

Using high rep lifts for hypertrophy, bloodflow, and tendon development.

Matt Wenning on exercise selections.

Applying conjugate training to sports goals.

Mental Fitness

Gratitude is important.  Ideas how to get serious about it:

Strong Mindset

A case for doing everything well.

The Useful Strong Stuff Journal Vol.2

Strength in all things is important.  We must constantly be building these strengths.  Without doing so, we likely resign ourselves to mediocrity.

Here are some strong things I have been reading lately.  I recommend you read them as well and perhaps implement an idea or two from them.

Strength and Conditioning

Some good benefits to push ups are listed here, lots of lifters can get away from doing pushups.  I can’t say 35 is some sort of magic number, but the article content is still good.

Some good advice on how to maximize limited training time, the mindset is key.

Ideas on implementing complexes into training.

Help thinking about how to do lots of different things at once.  Jujimufu does a lot well, and writes about it here.

Training the glutes.

How to shift emphasis to the posterior chain when doing lunges.


We need to ask better questions when visiting medical practitioners.

Strong Mindset

The value of doing some.  This was a good reminder for me.

The Useful Strong Stuff Journal Vol.1

Strength in all things is important.  We must constantly be building these strengths.  Without doing so, we likely resign ourselves to mediocrity.

Here are some strong things I have been reading lately.  I recommend you read them as well and perhaps implement an idea or two from them.

Strength and Conditioning

Waving volume for athletes

JM Blakely teaching and coaching the bench press for powerlifting purposes.

The GHD is not a piece of ab equipment.

The search for more unique stimulus. Tactic that could be used.

Odd Haugen grip stuff.

Strong Mindset  I just liked some of the sections of this article.