Every week I spend a lot of time reading and looking for new ways to get stronger, healthier and more awesome. Here are some of the best things I have found this week.
Strength and Conditioning
An easy to use method for grip that can be applied across many things https://www.t-nation.com/training/the-gorner-method
Tendon health is not talked about near as much as hypertrophy and strength training but it remains an important component of staying healthy and strong. This video explains how to train your tendons https://www.elitefts.com/education/podcasts/clips/listen-table-talk-podcast-clip-how-jm-blakley-and-dave-tate-built-tendon-strength/
Squat tips, I found this to be a good refresher and good for perspective. https://www.elitefts.com/education/3-tweaks-your-squat-needs/
Studies show that just a week of being sleep deprived can make you look prediabetic https://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/lack-of-sleep-glucose-insensitivity-pre-diabetes
Mental Fitness
This was a nice article about using balancing drills as a form of mindfulness and meditation. It looks like it could be a fun to implement. https://tinybuddha.com/blog/how-to-get-all-the-benefits-of-meditation-by-balancing/