10/15/2021 The Return to Max Effort Work

The Workout

SSB Box Squat

Worked up to moderately hard single

340 x 1

SSB Good Mornings

155 x 3

155 x 3

These need a lot of work.  Soon as I start to lean I get weak.  Need to improve strength in a lot of posture angels.

Reverse Lunges

6, 6

Leg Press Machine

Did some

Laying Leg Curls

Did some.

Seated Calf raise

  • 90 x 20
  • 140 x 10
  • 140 x 10

Leg raises

15, 15

This was my first workout going back to dynamic and max effort days for the lower body.  Will be easing into the “max” part of this day for a few weeks.  Then I guess get crazy after that.


Today I switched back to doing dynamic and max effort days for my lower body.  I am going to have to ease into the true nature of these days.  I am still rebuilding off my big layoff and lack a lot of qualities.  I can’t really strain all that well, and I can’t move all that fast.  It will take time to really be able to put something into my lifts, right now I’m just going through motions.

Today was a good first step forward on the max effort front.  I strained a little, but nothing too crazy.  Even with that consideration I loaded up the safety squat bar within like 10 pounds of my lifetime record with that bar.  These pleases me because I know when I get all the components of my workout program working well, then I’ll be able to really move some good weight. 

I am taking everything really slow with the progress with my lower body lifts because I didn’t with my upper body lifts.  My reward for going fast with my bench press was tendonitis and a shoulder I can’t hardly move, I should have moved slow. 

Overall the return to doing some more maximal efforts looked good and now its time to start doing that weekly and having fun.